
John Owen Prayed for Grace Church

Beginning this coming Sunday, the Grace Groups (small groups) of Grace Church will start going through John Owen's book, Communion With God. Staggeringly amazing in concept, completely soul-satisfying when practiced!

As we are preparing to embark on this study, I was encouraged to find that Rev. Owen prayed for us. Here is the transcript of his summary of the study, and of his petition of the Almighty on our behalf:
"It is with regard to this initial communion [with God] (on earth) that I intend to speak and to show that mutual giving and receiving between God and the saints as they walk together in holy and spiritual peace."
"First I pray that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has, by the riches of his grace, brought us from a state of enmity into this glorious fellowship with himself, may give you such a taste of his sweetness and excellence in this communion as to be stirred up to a greater longing for that eternal enjoyment of him in eternal glory" (p. 3).
Amen and Amen!

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